God's time

No matter where I am in the world, I am often up and about as the sun rises. For me, there is no more special time of the day.

There is something about the energy at that time of the day that cant be put into words. It has to be experienced.

The hour or so either side of the sunrise is when my best ideas always come to me.

I once heard someone refer to this part of the day as "God's time." I liked that term, and it stuck with me.

Now I know some people have a problem with the word God, and I understand why, but I think they are mistaking God for religion. So let me give you my thoughts on the G word.

Do I believe in God? Well, yes and no.

I don't believe an old bloke with a big white beard is sitting on a cloud casting judgment on us. But do I believe there is a source energy that offers wisdom and guidance beyond our everyday thinking when we tap into it.

And it is in the stillness and peace of the dawn, I believe if we open our minds to the subtle guidance of this source energy, we are rewarded with answers and ideas. But to get those answers, you need to be up early.

Where I am right now, it's easy to get out early. It's the coolest part of the day and offers a brief relief from the heat that ramps up at 10 am and never really recedes until well after midnight.

But I am also up and out early back in the UK. The weather may differ, but the energy and stillness are the same.

So if you are reading this and have some questions you need answering, or you feel stressed and want to regain your peace and feel grounded again. Set the alarm for 30 mins before sunrise, and get out and soak up the energy.

And one more thing and his is important! Leave the phone in your pocket, don't be tempted to check it or start listening to your music. Just be in silence and listen to what comes up. I believe what does will not disappoint.

Take Care


Gareth BootComment