Reflect, reset and refocus

I am writing this blog while I am out of the UK, having a summer break.

By the time I return, 30 days will have passed. Apart from my inner circle, I am keeping the location to myself. It's not important, and I don't do the sharing of holiday snaps on social media.

All I will say is it's an Island in the Mediterranean, and it's pretty hot.

The purpose of this time away is to reflect, reset and refocus.

It's been a strange 6 months; many things I used to love to do and found easy have become hard and given me no joy anymore.

Like doing these posts, I used to be able to write a blog a day, always had something to share on social media and podcasts used to drop every couple of days, but then one day, I woke up, and it had changed. The ideas for the blogs, podcasts and content just dried up. My muse had gone.

And my motivation to exercise and get out walking was somewhat missing. The spring in my step had gone.

A change was needed.

So what does this have to do with you?

Overwhelm, frustration and exhaustion hits us all from time to time. That's what had overcome me. And we often try and keep going hoping it will right itself. In my experience, it does not; all we do is go through the motions, which serves nobody.

If you're not feeling yourself, time to reflect, reset and refocus is required.

Taking time to reflect, reset and refocus is the fastest way to get your mojo back.

My time away is less of a holiday and more of a chance to live and work in a different country for a month while soaking up the culture and vibe, well away from sunloungers, crowded beaches and tourists.

It's a break of two halves. The first couple of weeks, I had set aside to work on my physical fitness and rest my head. This has gone better than I expected.

I have run daily, swam, kayaked and stayed as active as possible. Add to this a super clean diet and plenty of fresh local fruit and veg washed down with ice cold water, and I know I am coming back home fitter and lighter than when I arrived.

The second half of the holiday is in a much more remote part of the Island, and this time will be all about keeping the physical stuff going but also introducing some writing and planning. I am already looking forward to starting that tomorrow.

By focusing on my fitness first, I knew my mindset would change, and it did.

My muse returned this morning.

I was out running as the sun rose, and suddenly, I was filled with a great sense of joy and gratitude. Then like a switch had been flicked, I was buzzing with this sense of optimism and possibility. The old GB was back. The image attached to this blog is the moment I felt the shift.

If you are reading this and have yet to have your summer break, I highly recommend you consider using it to return healthier, happier and more focused. And it's as simple as setting a few simple intentions before you embark on your break.

It could be an intention to eat healthier, do more physical activity, or read some books that will expand your thinking. Anything really, as long as it results in you being a better you.

And, of course, you should relax and have fun. I am relaxing plenty and having fun, but you can do that and still work on yourself.

But what if you have no summer break planned?

Well, it would be a smart move to set some time to reflect, reset and refocus at home or in the UK.

Please don't ignore the importance of your mental and physical health, and make taking time to work on it a priority. You are way more in control of it than you are led to believe. Once you realise this, you have no excuse. And perhaps this year's summer break could be your chance to start working on yours.

Or you could join the many people who this year will use their summer break for sitting and baking in the sun all day before heading out to overeat, drink too much and return home in worse shape than when they set off anxiously awaiting a visa bill that will make for grim reading.

You don't need to be that intelligent to work out which option would have the most positive impact on your wellness.

Right, it's time to put this laptop down and pick up my oar; this Kayak won't paddle itself.

Take Care


Gareth BootComment