
Procrastination often gets a bad rap, but let's face it, there are times when putting things off can be a smart move. 

Here are four reasons why I believe the art of procrastination should get more kudos.

Creativity's Best Friend: 

Have you ever noticed how some of your best ideas pop up when you're avoiding a task? 

Procrastination can be a fertile breeding ground for creativity. When you give your mind a break from the immediate task at hand, it's free to wander and connect the dots in unexpected ways.


Only last week, I came up with a brilliant idea for a new course I want to produce while I was playing Call of Duty on my iPad (don't judge me)

So, don't beat yourself up for taking a breather – you might just stumble upon your next big breakthrough.

Pressure Cooker Performance: 

Some people, and I am one of those people, thrive under time pressure. As much as I like the idea of doing things well ahead of time, it has never worked for me. I always leave it to the last minute, well, actually, the last few seconds.

Procrastination can serve as a natural motivator. When deadlines loom large, the adrenaline kicks in, and you can produce high-quality work in record time. So, in a strange way, procrastination might be your secret weapon for peak performance.

Prioritising with Precision: 

Sometimes, delaying tasks helps you sort out your priorities. Procrastinating on less important things gives your brain time to gauge what truly matters. When you finally get to work, you're laser-focused on the tasks that genuinely deserve your attention. And you will be surprised how much stuff never really needed doing in the first place.

Stress Management: 

Believe it or not, procrastination can be an excellent stress reliever. It's a bit like hitting the pause button on life's chaos. It can provide you with a breather and the chance to recharge mentally, preventing burnout.

We have been sold the myth in recent years that "hustle" is the way to go, and if you're not working constantly, you're lazy. This is terrible advice. If you want a surefire way to get little done, and the stuff you do be of very poor quality, try doing it stressed.

However, it's essential to strike a balance. While procrastination might have its perks, excessive delay can lead to missed opportunities and unnecessary stress. The key is knowing when to harness the benefits of procrastination and when to push yourself to get things done. 

So, go ahead, procrastinate strategically, and discover how it can be a surprising ally in your journey through life.

Right, it is time for a bit more Call of Duty, I only need another 300 points to unlock a special machine gun that fires rockets. And they said I would amount to nothing!

Take Care


Gareth BootComment