Habit #3 Goal Setting

Everyone has heard of goal setting. Many personal development books dedicate chapters to it, and for good reason. Being able to set goals is essential.

But it's surprising how many people don't know how to set goals correctly.

Setting goals is a vital step towards achieving personal and professional success. So, it's a habit well worth developing.

To do it correctly, begin by making your goals specific and measurable. Instead of a vague aim like "exercise more," specify "exercise for 20 minutes seven days a week."

Next, ensure your goals are achievable and realistic. Ambitious goals are great, but they should also be attainable with the right effort and resources.

Additionally, set a clear timeframe for achieving your goals, such as "within three months." Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed to stay on track and remain motivated.

Lastly, and this is very important, WRITE THEM DOWN.

Goals need to be written down as clearly and concisely as possible. Write them where you can access them easily, as you should read them and review them daily.

And remember, a goal stored in your head is not a goal; it's a dream. And while it remains a dream, your chance of achieving it is very low. But the simple action of writing it down significantly pushes the odds in your favour.

Habit #4 will drop tomorrow morning.

Take Care


Gareth BootComment