Habit #5 Rising Early

Getting up early has some awesome perks that can seriously upgrade your life.

Of all the 12 habits, I have been doing this one since my 20s.

And by early, I mean between 5 am and 6 am.

First off, it gives you a head start on the day, helping you kick things off on a positive note.

Those peaceful early hours are like a secret productivity weapon. You can use them to work on your fitness, dive into focused work, review your goals, plan your day, or just chill.

And there is something deeply satisfying about knowing you up and at 'em, smashing the start of the day while most of the population is snoring.

Plus, being an early bird helps you nail down a healthy morning routine, which is a total game-changer. You're more likely to treat yourself to a proper breakfast, a workout sesh, or some meditation when you're up with the birds.

Next, waking up early allows you to spend time outside as the day dawns. There is much evidence now that getting out first thing is hugely beneficial to our mental health.

A 20-minute walk as the sun rises and a bit of solo reflection will clear your head and put you in a good mood. Seriously, it's a game-changer for a happier, more fulfilling life.

And finally, it will reduce stress. Nothing will elevate your stress levels more than feeling rushed because you are short on time in the morning. So, being up with plenty of time at your disposal before you start work is a smart move.

You will have to get to bed earlier in the evening, but as most people spend the evening watching dumb shit on TV, you're not missing much. You will find the payback for the sacrifice far outweighs it.

So, set that alarm and rise and shine – it's worth it!

Come back tomorrow for Habit #6

Take Care


Gareth BootComment